Sunday, September 21, 2008

Term 3 - Week 9

We hope you enjoyed the Lorax Production!! We are a little sad it's all over.
The children worked so hard over the many weeks of rehearsals and were fabulous on stage. I am so very proud of them. Here are a few excitable shots of us making our costumes and some shots just before we go on stage.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Term 3 - Week 8

It's "Literacy Week" this week at school.The children were asked to dress up as a character from their favourite book to celebrate. Don't they look great! Muritai has also had teachers reading stories in the library at lunchtimes and the kids have been enjoying listening to some great books. In Room 9 we also had a special guest reader who came in and read a story to us!

Term 3 - Week 7

This week Room 9 has started a writing blog (there is a link on our class blog). The writing blog was created so that we would have a place to publish our writing. It also gives a chance to share our writing with our family and friends. At the moment we are learning a bit about how to blog eventually we will publish some of the great writing we are doing in class. We look forward to getting some comments from you!

Production is drawing near and Room 9 and Room 7 have been working hard on their performance. It is looking fantastic. At the moment we are polishing off the last little bits. Dress rehearsals are next week but we are really looking forward to the performance. We hope you have your tickets!!