Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Term 4 - Week 9

EOTC week was a huge success!!
Room 9 would like to thank all the wonderful parents that came along and helped out. Without you we would not have been able to have such a fantastic time. Here is what we got up to:

On Monday we went to Capital E and were entertained with a performance called "Who Nicked St Nic's Knickers". We even had a chance to chat to Santa and make some Xmas crafts. On Tuesday we had electives day at school. There lots of fantastic activities that had us making and creating! On Wednesday we went on a bush walk to Butterfly Creek. It was a challenging walk and we felt such as sense of accomplishment when we arrived back at school. On Thursday we did orienteering. There were a few tricky clues but everyone managed to figure them out by working together. In the afternoon we has a Christmas concert and we treated our parents to some Chrissy carols! Unfortunately beach day was canceled due to the weather but will still managed to grab a swim and have fish and chips for lunch!

Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Term 4 - Week 8

Room 9 has had a very busy few weeks. On Thursday we were luck enough to take some time out and have a free swim!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Term 4 -Week 6

Room 9 has just started working with clay. We learnt the skill of joining clay pieces together by making coil pots. First we rolled some clay out flat and cut a circle for the base. Next we rolled the clay between our hands to make sauasages. We had to try and make our sausages even in diameter. Then we coiled them around the base. To join the coils together we roughed up the surface of the clay with a toothbrush and dipped our finger in water and ran it over the top. The clay then acted like a glue. We carefully joined out
coils together. When they were dry we pained them in a bright
colour. Take a look!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Term 4 - Week 5

Our Athletics Day was held on Friday. There were many events to compete in and we had lots of fun. It was Room 9's first carnival and everyone tried their very best. We can't wait to have another go next year!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Term 4 - Week 4

This week Room 9 has been publishing on our Writing Blog. In class we read the story of the The Three Little Pigs. Room 9 was then asked to look at the story from the pigs perspective or the wolfs perspective. We then wrote a police interview to record what happened.

The kids would love you to make a comment about their writing.
To do this look for the writing link on the Room 9 blog. Click on your child's name, then at the bottom of their piece of writing click on "comments". Write your comment in the box and click on publish comment.

We look forward to reading your comments!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Term 4 – Week 3

This week was a busy week as we have been working hard on assessment tasks. We took some time out from our demanding schedule to do some artwork. Have a look at our fantastic geckos. We used a resist technique. First we used oil pastels to outline our gecko then we used ink to colour the body. The ink was resisted by the oil pastel – that’s how we managed to stay in the lines. They are really colourful so we have displayed them in the corridor outside our room for everyone to look at.
Have a look for yourself!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Term 4 - Week 2

We have jumped straight back into our last term of being Year 3 student with energy and enthusiasm.

This week we started jump jam in the mornings. It has been fantastic to get energetic in the mornings to some groovy music. Some of the moves are really tricky to get but I am sure we will pick them up quickly. Check us out!

We have also started our new writing topic on recounting fairytales. We have been reading the Three Little Pigs and looking at the story from the Wolf’s point of view. Room 9 has come up with some fantastic ideas. Look out for them when we publish them on our writing blog next week!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Term 4 - Week 1

Welcome back!
Term 4 looks to be an exciting one. We have a fun but busy term ahead.

Our inquiry for this Term is on the "Orphans of Nepal". We will be looking at how Muritai Kids have the power to make a difference in the lives of the orphans. Ultimately the Room 9 will be planning a small-scale fund raiser for Bistachap Orphanage.

This week we were lucky to have Mana College's kapa haka group come and perform for us. The children in Room 9 found it to be a very powerful performance and throughly enjoyed the experience.

On a personal note I would like to thank Room 9 students and parents for a fantastic Term 3. I enjoyed getting to know you all, thank-you for your support. I am looking forward to a even better Term 4.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Term 3 - Week 9

We hope you enjoyed the Lorax Production!! We are a little sad it's all over.
The children worked so hard over the many weeks of rehearsals and were fabulous on stage. I am so very proud of them. Here are a few excitable shots of us making our costumes and some shots just before we go on stage.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Term 3 - Week 8

It's "Literacy Week" this week at school.The children were asked to dress up as a character from their favourite book to celebrate. Don't they look great! Muritai has also had teachers reading stories in the library at lunchtimes and the kids have been enjoying listening to some great books. In Room 9 we also had a special guest reader who came in and read a story to us!

Term 3 - Week 7

This week Room 9 has started a writing blog (there is a link on our class blog). The writing blog was created so that we would have a place to publish our writing. It also gives a chance to share our writing with our family and friends. At the moment we are learning a bit about how to blog eventually we will publish some of the great writing we are doing in class. We look forward to getting some comments from you!

Production is drawing near and Room 9 and Room 7 have been working hard on their performance. It is looking fantastic. At the moment we are polishing off the last little bits. Dress rehearsals are next week but we are really looking forward to the performance. We hope you have your tickets!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Term 3 - Week 6

This week we had the Milo cricket clinic out for a visit. Unfortunately the weather was not on our side and we had to move the game into the hall. However we still had lots of fun practicing our throwing, catching, bowling and batting skills. We were also given a Milo Cricket fun bag that had puzzles and some great collector cards in it. Check out some of our class below!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Term 3 - Week 5

This week was busy with rehearsals for the students who were performing in Artsplash. On Friday all of our class got to travel into the M.F.C to watch Muritai’s performance on the big stage with the other schools in Wellington. Murutai were fantastic and there were loads of cheers coming from the audience. Check out the picture of them performing.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Term 3 – Week 4

This week was Maths Week and we were lucky enough to have a visit from “World of Maths.”

World of Maths is a unique traveling maths show that provides fun, colourful, hands-on, mathematical, problem solving activities. There were seventeen large, displays for us to work on. There were instructions and questions on the displays we had to solve. Some was easy and some were really tough!

In class for Maths Week we spent some time playing some Maths Games from our class blog. There are some great games to help us practice things like tables. We also made some great fraction charts to display on our walls. Take a look at them!

This week we also went on a beach clean-up. We went with our buddy class (Room 24). It was really cold but we toughed it out and managed to collect lots of rubbish that had blown into the dunes.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Term 3 - Week 3

This week Room 9 has been very busy. Where does time go? We were glad to see some parents come in an visit us for Open Day. We hope you enjoyed the time you spend with us.

We can't wait for the Olympics to start this weekend. Room 9 has been learning a lot about the Ancient and Modern Olympics this term and can't wait to see how the torch will be lit in 2008.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Can Technology Day

Term 3 - Week 2

Our class created some fantastic can creatures this week. I was amazed to see how creative the students could be. Take a look for yourself!!

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Term 3 - Week One

Wow, how quickly the first week of school has gone! I have really enjoyed getting to know the children and establishing some new routines with them. I have also had the opportunity to meet many parents and family members. Thank-you for kind wishes. We have a very busy time ahead of us and I am looking forward to a great term with you and your children.

This week Room 9 received pedometers for the Greatest Feet Challenge. This is a challenge that lasts for 3 weeks. The program was designed to Help Kiwi kids get active and into the Olympic Games. At the end of each day the children are recoding the number of steps they have taken on a log sheet. At the end of each week the steps will be recorded on the website. They’ll then track their progress – individually and with their classmates – as they take on new challenges, and make a simulated Olympic journey the length of New Zealand, learning and being inspired by local Olympic athletes as they go. If you would like to have a look at the website go to

This week we have also began out inquiry into the Olympics Games. The children have been really fascinated leaning about the Modern and Ancient Olympics. They have also been creating an Olympics class timeline that is displayed in out room. They have found out lots of interesting things. For example - Did you know our own Mr Bird is a former New Zealand rowing cox who won an Olympic Bronze medal at the 1988 summer Olympics in Seoul.